Oct 19, 2021
Today Sandi shares from her own journey and experience, and her findings of how to not only lower inflammation, but how to eliminate it from the body so that we can have a vibrant incredible life! You’ll hear wisdom from her current doctors, the modalities that she is using, and the things that helped her to overcome...
Oct 13, 2021
Never before have we been in such a confusing, oppressive and oftentimes, destructive time period as we are experiencing now. Listen in as I share my heart, convictions and what I believe God is saying in this hour. It is said with love, honor and respect to everyone.
For more info like this visit Sandi’s social...
Oct 2, 2021
Today's episode will feature one of my masterclasses from my Inner Circle group. This episode will focus on breaking through the things that hold you back. Whether it's a small hurdle or a brick wall that is holding you back from reaching your goals, nothing is too big to overcome. I will share my story and secrets of...