Nov 29, 2021
Today Sandi opens up a difficult topic, especially for christians. She shares some insights she gave a woman who asked her for help, and some wisdom parents (and everyone) can use. Listen with an open heart! You are loved.
If you are interested in finding more information about my masterclasses or my Inner circle...
Nov 17, 2021
Marketing, Trauma, Mindset, Family and Early Retirement! On this weeks episode Sandi is answering your questions and more.
If you are interested in finding more information about my masterclasses or my Inner circle group please follow this link:
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Nov 6, 2021
Today's episode is a special one! For this podcast, one of our head coaches and my friend John Balauat joins us. John has a radical story of obeying God through leaving his comfortable 6 figure job in the tech industry and pursuing a new career in stocks/cypto trading without any promise of success or...
Nov 2, 2021
All eyes and ears have turned to Mark Zuckerberg with his latest announcement of the Metaverse. Obviously with a big announcement such as this there are a lot of mixed opinions and beliefs thrown around as to whether or not this will be something that will benefit the community. Especially in the Christian circle this...