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Jun 29, 2020

Today's guest is Nadeem Al-Hassan and his incredible story of getting into the cannabis industry by accident. Learn about the development stages of having an award winning product, starting a cannabis based business and growing yourself as your business grows. This conversation was done in Sandi's home office and...

Jun 27, 2020

Sandi shares her own journey of weaning off of opiates, prednisone and more without side effects while using cannabis. Topics include why cannabis should be ok for everyone, common misinformation that creates unnecessary guilt with Christians and more. THC, CBD and even the microdosing of other...

Jun 12, 2020

Holly Baxter has a strong background in athletics as a successful sprinter in high school and carried this success over into her competitive physique career. She is a two time world level champion fitness model in the Natural Universe and Natural Olympia competitions (2015) and recently achieved pro status with the...

Jun 10, 2020

Listen today as Patrice Berry shares with us how to keep more of the money we make, use the tax system to our advantage and enjoy the topic of TAXES. She's your personal TAX COP- protecting your bank! From auditing for the DOD to helping small business owners, she's got answers we all need.  


Jun 5, 2020

Layne Norton is a renowned prep/physique coach and pro-natural bodybuilder/powerlifter with a PhD in Nutritional Sciences. Listen as he helps us to sort thru the truth and nonsense in the 'fat loss' world. Topics include Paleo, Keto, No Sugar, High Carb and other diets.

Carbon Diet Coach:...