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Nov 29, 2021

Today Sandi opens up a difficult topic, especially for christians. She shares some insights she gave a woman who asked her for help, and some wisdom parents (and everyone) can use. Listen with an open heart! You are loved.


If you are interested in finding more information about my masterclasses or my Inner circle...

Oct 13, 2021

Never before have we been in such a confusing, oppressive and oftentimes, destructive time period as we are experiencing now. Listen in as I share my heart, convictions and what I believe God is saying in this hour. It is said with love, honor and respect to everyone.

For more info like this visit Sandi’s social...

Jul 6, 2020

Listening to God as you step out into uncomfortable places can be overwhelming. Sandi and Ryan talk today about how the church and the business world can partner together to transform cultures.

Jun 27, 2020

Sandi shares her own journey of weaning off of opiates, prednisone and more without side effects while using cannabis. Topics include why cannabis should be ok for everyone, common misinformation that creates unnecessary guilt with Christians and more. THC, CBD and even the microdosing of other...